
Biodecoding Sessions

Tell me your symptom, and I will tell you your pain.

Biodecoding is a holistic therapy that seeks to identify the emotional and mental origin of physical illnesses and ailments. This technique is based on the premise that diseases are physical manifestations of unresolved emotional conflicts. By understanding and releasing these conflicts, it is possible to promote healing and overall well-being.

What is Biodecoding?

Biodecoding, also known as Biological Decoding, is a therapeutic approach that studies how emotions and life experiences affect physical health. According to this theory, each symptom or disease has a specific emotional meaning that can be discovered and healed. Biodecoding works on the premise that the body and mind are intimately connected, and physical problems result from unresolved emotional conflicts.

How is a Biodecoding session conducted?

1. Initial Interview

We begin the session with a detailed interview to learn about your life history, symptoms, and emotional and family context. I aim to identify traumatic events or emotional conflicts that may be related to your physical symptoms.

2. Conflict Identification

Through specific techniques, I will help you identify the underlying emotional conflict causing your physical symptom. This may involve exploring childhood experiences, family patterns, or recent events that have generated a significant emotional impact.

3. Understanding and Awareness

Once the conflict is identified, I will guide you to understand how this conflict has affected your health. This process of understanding is crucial for releasing the emotional burden associated with the symptom.

4. Emotional Release

Through various therapeutic techniques such as visualization, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), or Gestalt therapy, I will help you release repressed emotions and resolve the emotional conflict.

5. Integration and Healing

Finally, I will help you integrate the new understanding and emotional release into your daily life, promoting physical and emotional healing. I will provide you with tools and exercises to support this integration process.

Benefits of Biodecoding

Physical and Emotional Healing

By addressing the emotional root of physical symptoms, Biodecoding can promote deep and lasting healing.


You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and how your emotions affect your health.

Release of Blockages

This therapy will help you release emotional and energetic blockages that may be hindering your well-being.

Improved Overall Well-being

Biodecoding promotes a balance between body, mind, and spirit, enhancing your overall well-being.

Who is Biodecoding suitable for?

Biodecoding is suitable for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their health issues and wanting to address these issues from an emotional and holistic perspective. It is especially useful for those who have tried other treatments without success and are open to exploring the connection between their emotions and physical health.

Book your session today!