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Welcome to the Female Priesthood Workshop

Discover Your Inner Power and Heal Past Wounds

Hello everyone! I am Gaby, and I am excited to invite you on a journey of discovery and healing in our Female Priesthood Workshop. This workshop is designed especially for women who want to explore and enhance their inner power, heal childhood wounds, and connect deeply with their feminine essence.

In this sacred space, we will immerse ourselves in the ancestral legacy of the female priesthood, especially honoring the figure of Mary Magdalene and her transformative role. Mary Magdalene represents feminine strength and wisdom, and through her example, we will learn how we can embrace our own divinity and spiritual leadership.

During the workshop, we will learn powerful practices to harmonize our chakras and strengthen our vital energy. We will explore daily rituals that help us maintain that harmony and enhance our connection with the universe. We will use tools such as pendulums and sacred symbols to deepen our intuition and access deeper levels of self-knowledge and healing.

We will also focus on healing emotional wounds and traumas that may be affecting our present life, freeing ourselves to live fully in the present moment and manifest our deepest dreams.

I invite you to join this circle of brave and loving women who are willing to empower each other and grow together on this path of self-discovery and transformation. This workshop is for all women who want to awaken their unique potential and shine in all their fullness.

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with your true inner power and walk towards a more conscious and loving life!

I hope to meet you soon!

Book your session today!