

“Gaby is my go-to for cleansing of unwanted entities and attachments. I trust her to assist my family members and my clients as well. As a sensitive empath, it is crucial to have a skilled practitioner who can effectively remove these energies”

Karyn Kulenovich

“Gabriela is an excellent professional that helped me through difficult family and career issues.

I had been dealing with a family issue for years and during a session with Gaby she cleared the energy in my family and worked with my mother and sister to improve the situation, the very next day my mother called me! I was in awe, after more than a year of no contact she reached out the very next day, her technique is very effective indeed.

Also I was stuck with my art career, couldn’t get ahead and felt like I didn’t have the energy to move forward and make my art public, after having a session with Gaby she cleaned old energy and beliefs that were holding me back and after that I felt more confident and positive, finally did my website public www.alinadifiore.com and got an art exhibit within a few weeks!

I’m so happy I have Gaby to help me through difficult times in my life, I highly recommend her.”

“I first met Gaby through another medium to help me clear my feelings about my master bathroom 6 months ago. Since then we have worked on a few other areas of my past and current lives that have been affecting me every day. With each session I have I feel better and better. The information she knows without being told is 100% accurate and I always feel lighter, healthier and more balanced. She is honest, caring and a real master at her craft. If you are on the fence about a session, do it, you won’t regret it.”

Melanie Knight

“Gaby is amazing! My puppy and I flew for the first time together recently. I was very worried because when she was 6 months old, her vet gave her valium for the flight, told me not to feed her or give her water the entire flight. By the time we got on the flight, she was having breathing problems, throwing up, and shaking. We had to get off the flight. After that experience I was very afraid to fly with her. I meet with Gaby and she told me to give her Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy for pets. I gave it to Zoey throughout the flight, she slept most of the time and was so well behaved the rest of the time. Thank you Gaby!!!

I have been going through a very hard time with an amazing amount of stress. I went to Gaby and she made me Bach flower drops and gave me a spray for anxiety. It has helped me so much!!! I went to her a few times as well for healings and she is amazing! Thank you Gaby for your amazing healing abilities and knowledge!!!”

Alisha Marks

“Gaby, I just wanted to say thank you for my energy healing session and personalized Back Flower remedy. I have to admit, I was a skeptic at first, but I was absolutely moved by our session and how intuitive you were. I almost immediately felt a shift in my energy, which had been off for quite some time due to some pretty heavy stressors. Since I have continued to use my Bach Flowers, it is as though a curtain has been lifted. I feel energetic, clear, motivated … more like myself than I have felt in a very long time. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are a true healer in every sense of the word.”

Amanda Utley

“This was an amazing experience. I felt very light after the session. Gaby is very good at what she does. I will definitely be doing this again in the future and would highly suggest you experience it yourself.”

Mary Mika

“Gaby is a highly and unique energy healer whom I highly recommend. She helped to clear energy blocks that had closed my Third Eye. This aided in the awakening of my intuitiveness.”

Paullete Gallanis

Agradecerte por tu labor y agradecer nuestro encuentro. He encontrado una dualidad muy hermosa que me ha permitido enfocarme en mi día a día. Encontré un balance en mis planes, la posibilidad de poder postular a algunas vacantes y al mismo tiempo ir quizás viendo la opción de algunas vacaciones o estudios. Ahora vivo mi mejor presente con calma, y ha sido tan armónico que en mi trabajo he cerrado muchos negocios significativos y abundantes, cosa que me hace sentir “Todo va a estar bien y esta cubierto”. Me ha permitido incluso ser más flexible con mis finanzas, me he sentido más tranquila y en paz, ¡e inclusive mi piel mejoró! ¡Tenía un acné leve y ahora mi piel está mucho más liberada, es increíble! Así venia desde marzo, cambiando alimentación inclusive, y ahora esta como la derecha. Yo sabía que era un tema energético relacionado a las decisiones. Y ya se está limpiando. Prontito trabajaremos juntas nuevamente ?

Gaby G.

Hi Gaby, I just wanted to tell you that after the session they called me for an interview, and now they will give me a second interview. I also met someone new. The truth is that I believe that all was thank to you because before my life was not moving at all, and after the session everything changed.

Thank you so much!


No paro de sorprenderme de como vamos entrando en diferentes niveles, todos interconectados e influyendo en mi presente. Y no sólo conectamos con la información, sino que se va trabajando para lograr la transformación. Mil gracias por dedicarte a este increíble trabajo. Me siento muy agradecida y 100% recomendable. Jaquelina.

Quería tomarme el tiempo de expresar mi sincero agradecimiento a Gaby. Comencé a trabajar con ella en noviembre de 2019. Aunque tuve muchas bendiciones en mi vida me di cuenta de que estaba estancada, perdida y con falta de dirección en mi vida. Al principio vine a Gaby a buscar respuestas sobre el bloqueo en mis chavetas. Poco sabía que comenzaríamos un análisis profundo de muchos problemas que me estaban frenando. Gaby ha desbloqueado mis chakras, me guió a través de un proceso de problemas en las generaciones pasadas de mi familia, ha eliminado mis inseguridades y miedos y me ha ayudado en mi viaje hacia el auto amor así como una gran perspectiva de mi futuro. Veo un gran cambio en cómo me siento, mi flujo de energía y las cosas buenas que estoy atrayendo en mi vida. Ella es una gran guía espiritual para mí y mi familia. Luisa.

Gracias por sus sesiones. Las analizo y he caído en cuenta de muchas cosas como lo subyugada que fue mi vida pasada y mi presente. Lo más importante es la división de mi cuerpo y de mi alma porque eso sí lo siento de corazón. Gracias y Dios la bendiga. Alex.

Quería contarte que estos días estuve sintiendo y me siento muy bien. Con más paz y tranquilidad. Logré meditar más en profundidad y me conecté mucho conmigo misma. ¡Gracias Gaby! Paula.

Tenía un tema que no podía solucionar con mis herramientas, lo que yo conocía no me funcionaba. La verdad es que no sabía en qué consistía la sesión con Gaby, pero como conocía lo poderosa que es y su energía de amor, confié totalmente. Fue empezar la sesión, y eso que yo llevaba días tratando de transformar, y lo que había se evaporó en cuestión de segundos. Mi energía cambió, me volví a sentir en mi centro, me liberó mucho. No tengo palabras para agradecerle lo que hizo por mí, pasé del sufrimiento a estar en paz en solamente una hora. Repetiría con ella mil veces. Tiene un gran don. Gracias Gaby. Carla.

¡Maravillada con este universo tan generoso que me puso en la vida esta persona mágica en mi vida! Con Gaby llevo ya 6 sesiones, feliz de entrar en mi misión de vida. ¡Una persona generosa, cordial y bondadosa! Gracias, gracias, gracias por lo que me has brindado y por lo que estoy dispuesta a recibir de tu mano. Eva.

Quería compartirte que luego de que realizamos tu sesión en principio me sentí muy armonizada con respecto a mi energía. Físicamente más liviana y clara. Pude descansar muy bien a la noche y me levanté renovada. También la energía de mi casa está armónica y mis mascotas también. Me siento más esclarecida. ¡Gracias! Sandra.

A partir de la terapia UNO, recibí información para entender mi presente, experimenté mucha paz, sentí una hermosa energía que me transmitió confianza para liberarme de situaciones que he vivido en esta vida y en vidas pasadas. A través del don de Gaby podrás renovarte. ¡Se las recomiendo! Mariana.

A partir de la terapia UNO, recibí información para entender mi presente, experimenté mucha paz, sentí una hermosa energía que me transmitió confianza para liberarme de situaciones que he vivido en esta vida y en vidas pasadas. A través del don de Gaby podrás renovarte. ¡Se las recomiendo! Mariana.

Gaby has done a stunning job cleansing entities that were installed in my house and harmonizing my family energies multiple time. Her warm personality and her passion for what she does have been a bright light during every path we had been down together. She has also helped me unblock my mind and explore my habilites while guiding me. Her ability with energy is definitely unique and the feeling you get after a session with her is something I can’t even put into words. I Truly recommend her.

Gaby my dear, thank you so much for your miracles help. My father changed immediately, already last night. He is more happy and gentle. Greetings also from my mum, she can’t beleave what happened?big hug my love and have a wonderful day?❤️

“Gaby is my go-to for cleansing of unwanted entities and attachments. I trust her to assist my family members and my clients as well. As a sensitive empath, it is crucial to have a skilled practitioner who can effectively remove these energies”

Karyn Kulenovich

“Gabriela is an excellent professional that helped me through difficult family and career issues.

I had been dealing with a family issue for years and during a session with Gaby she cleared the energy in my family and worked with my mother and sister to improve the situation, the very next day my mother called me! I was in awe, after more than a year of no contact she reached out the very next day, her technique is very effective indeed.

Also I was stuck with my art career, couldn’t get ahead and felt like I didn’t have the energy to move forward and make my art public, after having a session with Gaby she cleaned old energy and beliefs that were holding me back and after that I felt more confident and positive, finally did my website public www.alinadifiore.com and got an art exhibit within a few weeks!

I’m so happy I have Gaby to help me through difficult times in my life, I highly recommend her.”

Alina Guglietti

“I first met Gaby through another medium to help me clear my feelings about my master bathroom 6 months ago. Since then we have worked on a few other areas of my past and current lives that have been affecting me every day. With each session I have I feel better and better. The information she knows without being told is 100% accurate and I always feel lighter, healthier and more balanced. She is honest, caring and a real master at her craft. If you are on the fence about a session, do it, you won’t regret it.”

Melanie Knight

“Gaby is amazing! My puppy and I flew for the first time together recently. I was very worried because when she was 6 months old, her vet gave her valium for the flight, told me not to feed her or give her water the entire flight. By the time we got on the flight, she was having breathing problems, throwing up, and shaking. We had to get off the flight. After that experience I was very afraid to fly with her. I meet with Gaby and she told me to give her Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy for pets. I gave it to Zoey throughout the flight, she slept most of the time and was so well behaved the rest of the time. Thank you Gaby!!!

I have been going through a very hard time with an amazing amount of stress. I went to Gaby and she made me Bach flower drops and gave me a spray for anxiety. It has helped me so much!!! I went to her a few times as well for healings and she is amazing! Thank you Gaby for your amazing healing abilities and knowledge!!!”

Alisha Marks

“Gaby, I just wanted to say thank you for my energy healing session and personalized Back Flower remedy. I have to admit, I was a skeptic at first, but I was absolutely moved by our session and how intuitive you were. I almost immediately felt a shift in my energy, which had been off for quite some time due to some pretty heavy stressors. Since I have continued to use my Bach Flowers, it is as though a curtain has been lifted. I feel energetic, clear, motivated … more like myself than I have felt in a very long time. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are a true healer in every sense of the word.”

Amanda Utley

“This was an amazing experience. I felt very light after the session. Gaby is very good at what she does. I will definitely be doing this again in the future and would highly suggest you experience it yourself.”

Mary Mika

“Gaby is a highly and unique energy healer whom I highly recommend. She helped to clear energy blocks that had closed my Third Eye. This aided in the awakening of my intuitiveness.”

Paullete Gallanis

“Gaby is my go-to for cleansing of unwanted entities and attachments. I trust her to assist my family members and my clients as well. As a sensitive empath, it is crucial to have a skilled practitioner who can effectively remove these energies”

Karyn Kulenovich

“Gabriela is an excellent professional that helped me through difficult family and career issues.

I had been dealing with a family issue for years and during a session with Gaby she cleared the energy in my family and worked with my mother and sister to improve the situation, the very next day my mother called me! I was in awe, after more than a year of no contact she reached out the very next day, her technique is very effective indeed.

Also I was stuck with my art career, couldn’t get ahead and felt like I didn’t have the energy to move forward and make my art public, after having a session with Gaby she cleaned old energy and beliefs that were holding me back and after that I felt more confident and positive, finally did my website public www.alinadifiore.com and got an art exhibit within a few weeks!

I’m so happy I have Gaby to help me through difficult times in my life, I highly recommend her.”

Alina Guglietti

“I first met Gaby through another medium to help me clear my feelings about my master bathroom 6 months ago. Since then we have worked on a few other areas of my past and current lives that have been affecting me every day. With each session I have I feel better and better. The information she knows without being told is 100% accurate and I always feel lighter, healthier and more balanced. She is honest, caring and a real master at her craft. If you are on the fence about a session, do it, you won’t regret it.”

Melanie Knight

“Gaby is amazing! My puppy and I flew for the first time together recently. I was very worried because when she was 6 months old, her vet gave her valium for the flight, told me not to feed her or give her water the entire flight. By the time we got on the flight, she was having breathing problems, throwing up, and shaking. We had to get off the flight. After that experience I was very afraid to fly with her. I meet with Gaby and she told me to give her Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy for pets. I gave it to Zoey throughout the flight, she slept most of the time and was so well behaved the rest of the time. Thank you Gaby!!!

I have been going through a very hard time with an amazing amount of stress. I went to Gaby and she made me Bach flower drops and gave me a spray for anxiety. It has helped me so much!!! I went to her a few times as well for healings and she is amazing! Thank you Gaby for your amazing healing abilities and knowledge!!!”

Alisha Marks

“Gaby, I just wanted to say thank you for my energy healing session and personalized Back Flower remedy. I have to admit, I was a skeptic at first, but I was absolutely moved by our session and how intuitive you were. I almost immediately felt a shift in my energy, which had been off for quite some time due to some pretty heavy stressors. Since I have continued to use my Bach Flowers, it is as though a curtain has been lifted. I feel energetic, clear, motivated … more like myself than I have felt in a very long time. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are a true healer in every sense of the word.”

Amanda Utley

“This was an amazing experience. I felt very light after the session. Gaby is very good at what she does. I will definitely be doing this again in the future and would highly suggest you experience it yourself.”

Mary Mika

“Gaby is a highly and unique energy healer whom I highly recommend. She helped to clear energy blocks that had closed my Third Eye. This aided in the awakening of my intuitiveness.”

Paullete Gallani